Frequently Asked Questions


What is a parent’s role at Ascend Academy?

Parents play a huge role at Ascend Academy. Parents must understand that this model does not work unless school and home run parallel.

Part of our mission is to never come between a parent and their child. We want to help parents forge strong relationships with their young heroes and provide tools and a community that help support that. Our parent community is one of the best! Being that we are the first learner-driven schools in the area, it is a gift to do life with people who are on mission together.

We believe that the educational environment and home environment should coincide and support the other; not counteract or clash. Parents sign a contract at the beginning of the school year where they commit to using strategies that come along with being an Ascend Academy Parent.

Volunteering opportunities are always available and parents are welcome into the studios to observe and see what their heroes are doing.

Is Ascend Academy basically a Montessori School?

No. We highly respect and do use a lot of Montessori methods (especially in our Spark Studio), but we are not a true Montessori program. We incorporate Socratic methods, game and project based learning; as well as the latest online learning software for our older learners. To answer the question plainly: we use Montessori methods (primarily for our younger learners) but are not just a Montessori school.

What does a typical daily schedule look like?

The following is a “blueprint” of what a typical day at Ascend looks like:

8:15-8:35 – Arrival and outdoor play

8:40-9:00 - Morning Motivation and Socratic discussion

9:00-9:10 - Snack/Goal Setting

9:15-11:30 - Academic time

11:30-12:30 - Lunch & Free time/Outdoor Play

12:30-1:00 - Community Reading/Free reading time

1:00-1:15 - Afternoon Meetup

1:15-2:30 - Projects/Extracurricular

2:30-2:40 - End of Day Reflection & Closing

2:45-3:00 - Studio Cleanup

3:00-3:15 - Outdoor play and pickup

Is Ascend Academy a religious school?

Ascend is a learning community founded on Christian faith and Biblical principles. We believe that each learner is created by God and has the ability to change the world in a profound way. As Psalm 139:14 (NIV) states: “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful. I know that full well.” This profound Bible verse encompasses how every person who enters our doors is viewed at Ascend.

Learners are free to read Bibles during the school day if they choose; and optional bible studies are held weekly in order to develop and grow confidence and reading the Scriptures. Bible verses are used to launch discussions about various topics involving moral topics.

At Ascend, guides empower learners to discover and explore their gifts, skills, and passions to make the greatest impact in the world. Although our founders and staff approach life from a Biblical Worldview, adults will never feed learners pat answers to life's big questions; but instead will encourage them to seek Truth for themselves with all their heart and mind. We believe that it is Jesus Christ alone who saves, and that it is our job to plant seeds, encourage studies, and pray. It is God who brings the increase and the Holy Spirit who teaches and gives understanding. Ascend guides prioritize the development of virtue and moral character as part of every learner's journey, and gives learners the freedom to ask questions about God and our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that by cultivating an environment built on righteousness, kindness, and moral character we bring Him great glory.

How much time do the students spend outside on a regular school day?

We firmly believe time spent outside is beneficial for the growth and development of our young people. For that reason, our heroes enjoy the outdoors and free play most school days. Weather permitting, the learners are outside three times per day (which, on average, is about 80-100 minutes per day).

What are your current tuition rates?

At Ascend Academy, we are deeply mindful of the current economic and educational landscape. Our commitment to keeping tuition rates affordable ensures that every learner receives a top-tier educational experience without compromise. While we do not currently offer scholarships, we are actively working toward making this option available in the future. In the meantime, we provide special considerations for sole-parent households to help make our programs more accessible.

We believe the investment in your child’s education is unparalleled—shaping not only their present learning journey but also the future of your family.

Tuition includes all necessary supplies for your child's experience at Ascend, with the exception of a personal Chromebook (details are available in our FAQ section).

Our tuition rates for 2025-2026 can be viewed by clicking here.

Do you serve children with special needs?

Unfortunately, we are not equipped to serve children who need specialized attention because of serious learning challenges.

How does your school ensure a high quality learning environment?

Deep at the core of Ascend Academy is our commitment to serving families and receiving transparent feedback. Because of this, we ask families to participate in meetings so that they are able to provide feedback, ask great questions, and present ideas. We are committed to building an engaged community of families.

We also encourage learners to see education as an adventure and invite the whole family along with them. Physical health, wellness, and physiology are a primary focus. We believe that healthy children learn best; and it is important for young people to understand how their bodies and minds are intimately intertwined.

How do you measure student progress?

At the start of the year, learners have a meeting with their parents and guide to establish learning goals for the year and to go over their Badge Plan, which layout academic achievements and track progress in academics like reading, writing, math, and even character development. These academic plans and goals will guide their focus of learning on a daily basis.

As they progress through their plan and goals and show mastery of the tools, skills, and character laid out in their plan, learners celebrate by earning badges in lieu of traditional grades.

In traditional education, a student is graded on how well he or she is able to recall or apply material they've been taught. At Ascend Academy, he or she will continue to dig deep on a subject until they have achieved a working mastery using the new knowledge. They will not advance until they've reached an 'A' level of understanding as demonstrated by their work.

It is their work and the demonstration of their understanding that show us they are ready to move ahead. Learners get an opportunity to show and demonstrate what they’ve learned through means of public exhibitions and showcases; where all families are invited into the studios to see what the heroes have been up to!

How do you use technology in the classroom for core skills without exposing the students to too much screen time?

At Ascend Academy, we believe in the power of balance. Through use of adaptive, self-paced software for math and reading, we are able to provide the rigor needed for learning across disciplines and gather more data than we could ever want about each hero’s progress.

Our Spark Studio and lower Elementary learners do not utilize software; but instead use a Montessori-inspired approach. Learners typically begin dabbling in some of the adaptive software at age 8, and use a Google Chromebook or something equivalent.

Hands-on manipulative materials are available in the studios for mathematics, grammar, and reading. Learners typically spend 2 hours on their Core Skills; which frees up the rest of the day for engaging, project-based learning and play.

Do you offer any specialty subjects?

At Ascend Academy, we offer specialty subjects such as art, music, and Spanish as part of our commitment to providing a well-rounded education. Learners have the flexibility to choose whether or not they participate in these subjects, allowing them to tailor their educational experience to their unique interests and goals.

Do you provide the Chromebooks for students?

This is on a case-by-case basis. The Chromebook becomes a very personal item for the learners; therefore we ask that families provide their own. We can provide Chromebooks for those families that might have trouble acquiring one. If this is an issue for your family, please bring it to our attention and we will do our best to help and/or accommodate.

I see you are a 501(c)3 educational organization. Can you provide your organization's mission statement?

Our mission is to support and guide every person who enters our doors to discover their unique God-given gifts and traits that will allow them to find a calling and change the world in a profound way.

Do you recite the Pledge of Allegiance?

Every morning.

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“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to

have tried to succeed.”

–Theodore Roosevelt-

Ascend Academy Milford is committed to fostering a learning environment that embraces diversity and inclusivity. We welcome students and families of all backgrounds and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, gender, disability, religion, or any other characteristic protected by law in the administration of our educational policies, admissions policies, financial aid programs, or other school-administered programs.